Sing, A New Song – 500th Reformation Anniversary
Sunday October 29, 2017 Text: Acts 7:51-60; Joshua 2:1-21; Matthew 14:22-32 Speaker: Pastor David Ude / Pastor Mark Bernthal / Pastor Micheal Eichstadt Festival: Reformation Passages: Acts 7:51-60; Joshua 2:1-21; Matthew 14:22-32
We are all born sinners, condemned under the law because of our sin. But Jesus died for our sins, forgives us and makes us the sons of God. This is the new song the Luther learned to sing. This is the new song that we learn to sing. That we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.
Read MoreThe Word of Truth is the Heritage of the Sons of God
Sunday October 29, 2017 Text: John 8:31-36 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Reformation Passages: John 8:31-36
The Jews thought that they had received the inheritance of Abraham. But they didn't understand the true heritage was the promises of God. We also received this heritage, from Abraham, from the apostles, from Luther. Not through our genetic ancestry, but through our baptism which makes us the children of God.
Read MoreHonor the King, Love the Lord Who Saved You
Tuesday October 24, 2017 Text: Matthew 22:15-22 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 22:15-22
Background The Pharisees were the ultimate nationalists. And they thought this was the correct understanding of the Old Testament. Israel was God’s Kingdom. To promote and support a free Jewish nation was the will of God. To support a foreign ruler over Israel was contrary to the will of God. It was blasphemy. The
Read MoreThe Lies of Satan: God Loves You So . . .
Monday October 16, 2017 Text: John 6:40; Romans 12:1-2 Speaker: Pastor Caleb Schaller Festival: Trinity Passages: John 6:40; Romans 12:1-2
It is a common lie of Satan especially in our day that because God loves you, therefore you should do whatever makes you happy and God will be ok with that. God does want you to be happy, but it exactly for this reason that he wants what is best for you.
Read MoreThe Parable of the Wicked Vinedressers
Tuesday October 10, 2017 Text: Matthew 21:33-46 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 21:33-46
The Lord did everything for the Israelites. After all the He did for them they rejected Him. Therefore the kingdom was taken from them and given to the Gentiles. The Lord plan of salvation is not the type of plan we would come up with. Nevertheless having seen it we rejoice in it.
Read MoreBehold the Lamb of God
Tuesday October 3, 2017 Text: John 1:35-42 Speaker: Pastor John Ude Festival: Mission Festival Passages: John 1:35-42
Come and See. We have Found the Messiah. Andrew and John are so excited at finding the Messiah they can't help but to tell their brothers and friends.
Read MoreThe Laborers In The Vineyard
Monday September 25, 2017 Text: Matthew 20:1-16 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 20:1-16
WE RECEIVE BY HIS GRACE WHAT WE DO NOT DESERVE We have no chance if we come before His throne demanding what we think is right and what we think He might owe to us. For we deserve nothing, but if we admit this and come on the basis of His grace we receive everything.
Read MoreJesus’ Forgiveness Is Without Limit. What About Yours?
Monday September 18, 2017 Text: Matthew 18:21-35 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 18:21-35
Jesus has forgiven all the sins you have ever committed. There is nothing that any fellow human can do to you that can come anywhere near the severity and debt which you owe to God and He has forgiven you, therefore you also should forgive and let it go.
Read MoreTaste and See that the Lord Is Good
Tuesday September 12, 2017 Text: Revelation 10:8-11 Speaker: Pastor John Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Revelation 10:8-11
The word of God is sweet to the taste but bitter in the stomach. The Word pronounces judgement on our sins and we don't like that bitter feeling of judgement in our stomach. But it also tells us of forgiveness through Jesus Christ and is therefore sweet to our mouth.
Read MoreThe Colossus Guards the Way
Monday September 4, 2017 Text: Revelation 10:1-3 Speaker: Pastor John Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Revelation 10:1-3
1. See Jesus and enter. 2. Speak “Jesus” and enter.
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