Behold the Lamb of God
Tuesday October 3, 2017 Text: John 1:35-42 Speaker: Pastor John Ude Festival: Mission Festival Passages: John 1:35-42
Come and See. We have Found the Messiah. Andrew and John are so excited at finding the Messiah they can't help but to tell their brothers and friends.
Read MoreThe Laborers In The Vineyard
Monday September 25, 2017 Text: Matthew 20:1-16 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 20:1-16
WE RECEIVE BY HIS GRACE WHAT WE DO NOT DESERVE We have no chance if we come before His throne demanding what we think is right and what we think He might owe to us. For we deserve nothing, but if we admit this and come on the basis of His grace we receive everything.
Read MoreJesus’ Forgiveness Is Without Limit. What About Yours?
Monday September 18, 2017 Text: Matthew 18:21-35 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 18:21-35
Jesus has forgiven all the sins you have ever committed. There is nothing that any fellow human can do to you that can come anywhere near the severity and debt which you owe to God and He has forgiven you, therefore you also should forgive and let it go.
Read MoreTaste and See that the Lord Is Good
Tuesday September 12, 2017 Text: Revelation 10:8-11 Speaker: Pastor John Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Revelation 10:8-11
The word of God is sweet to the taste but bitter in the stomach. The Word pronounces judgement on our sins and we don't like that bitter feeling of judgement in our stomach. But it also tells us of forgiveness through Jesus Christ and is therefore sweet to our mouth.
Read MoreThe Colossus Guards the Way
Monday September 4, 2017 Text: Revelation 10:1-3 Speaker: Pastor John Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Revelation 10:1-3
1. See Jesus and enter. 2. Speak “Jesus” and enter.
Read MoreChrist is the Rock on Which We Stand
Monday August 28, 2017 Text: Matthew 16:13-20 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 16:13-20
The focus of this passage is Jesus not Peter. It is Jesus and what Peter says about him that is the foundation of the Church. The Church stands because it is built on this truth that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. This truth is not something of man, but this is the declaration of the Father that He has revealed to Peter and us. Jesus also then makes a declaration, that the gates of heaven are open.
Read MoreGod So Loved the WORLD
Monday August 21, 2017 Text: Matthew 15:22-28 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 15:22-28
This means that all people are saved by grace through faith, regardless of ethnicity, gender, nationality, language, cultural heritage, profession, church affiliation, or any other man made division. In the Old Testament the Lord commanded the Israelites to wipe out the Canaanites, and yet even then those Canaanites who repented were saved and those Israelites who did not believe were condemned. So also Jesus condemns the Israelites because of their unbelief andwickedness but saves this repentant Canaanite woman by Grace through faith. For with the Lord there is no partiality.
Read MoreCall Upon Me In The Day of Trouble, I Will Deliver You
Tuesday August 15, 2017 Text: Matthew 14:22-33 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 14:22-33
It is not possible to explain away this miracle. You might hallucinate seeing a man walking on the water, but you certainly can’t hallucinate walking on the water yourself. Peter is either lying or this really happened as it says. The power that held Peter up did not come from his faith but from Jesus. Peter begins to sink not because Jesus’ power was weakened by his unbelief, but because Jesus used this opportunity as the ultimate object lesson. In desperation, in weakness, Peter cries to the Lord, and the Lord saves him.
Read MoreThere Will Be Water If God Wills It
Tuesday August 8, 2017 Text: Matthew 14:13-21 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 14:13-21
Jesus does care about our earthly life and can and will provide all that we need for this life. Because Jesus provides all that we need we are free to give our lives in service to our Lord and our neighbor. The description of the miracle in John and Matthew is mostly the same, not much different. And yet John and Matthew both emphasize different points through the context in which they present it . Matthew puts it right after reminding us of the how Herod killed John the baptist. In so doing he presents Jesus as the King who gives and cares in contrast to the rulers of this world that kill and take.
Read MoreWhat is Jesus Worth? What Are You Worth?
Monday July 31, 2017 Text: Matthew 13:44-52 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: Matthew 13:44-52
How much is God’s kingdom worth to us? The parable of the treasure in the field. How much are we worth to God? The parable of the pearl of great price. How much is God’s kingdom worth to us? The parable of the treasure in the field.
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