Text John :

Jesus Prepares All Things that We May Have Life

Sunday April 16, 2017 Text: John 11:17-27,38-53 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / /

This text is all about preparation. The Lord brings the Jewish leaders to the final decision to crucify him. The Lord prepares the crowds for Palm Sunday. Most importantly the Lord prepares his disciples for death and life. He prepares them for His coming death and resurrection with a threefold lesson about faith. 1. The Glory of God is found in the cross. 2. Faith will wait on the word of God. 3. The end result of the faith that waits is life.

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This Is The Payment for Our Sins

Friday April 14, 2017 Text: John 19:17-30 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / /

  This is the payment for OUR SIN This is the PAYMENT for our sin We are going to keep it short today because there is only one thing we need to know and think about, Jesus died for our sins. I think it was about a week ago. I was tired. I was about

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Jesus Prepares All Things That We May Have Life

Sunday April 9, 2017 Text: John 11:17-27,38-53 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / / /

This text is all about preparation. First Jesus prepares the very ones who hated Him to carry out His will and deliver him up to death. At other times Jesus withdraws. He withdraws from Jerusalem, he withdraws from the crowds when they seek to stone him or confront him, but that is only because it

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