Speaker Pastor Matthew Ude

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Monday October 29, 2018 Text: Psalm 46:1-11 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / Passages: Psalm 46:1-11

God is our refuge, a place where we can rest in peace and security. He is our strength, going before us to destroy those who oppose Him. He is an ever present helper. He dwells in the midst of His people through His word.

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May The Lord Remove From Our Hearts And Lives Those Things That Keep Us From Him

Monday October 22, 2018 Text: Mark 10:23-31 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / Passages: Mark 10:23-31

Even the wisest among us often set our hearts on the useless things of this world. We pray that God through the power of His word may tear away from us the things we love in this world. In this way he might set our hearts to love the riches of Christ, teaching us to trust that He will provide everything we need now and in eternity.

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Jesus Sees Our Hearts and Loves Us

Monday October 15, 2018 Text: Mark 10:17-22 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Mark 10:17-22

This is a beautiful text if we come to hear in repentance. If we come confessing out sins we find a savoir who knows our hearts and loves us anyway. If we come in arrogance seeking to lift ourselves up to Jesus' level like this rich young man, than we find nothing here.

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Jesus Served the Most Worthless

Monday October 8, 2018 Text: Mark 9:30-37 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / Passages: Mark 9:30-37

The infant is the ultimate example of a service of love because there is nothing they can give us in return for helping them. Jesus likewise gave His life for us who could never give Him anything in return.

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Stand In the Strength of Christ

Tuesday October 2, 2018 Text: Ephesians 6:10-20 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Ephesians 6:10-20

The book of Ephesians lists treasure after treasure which the Lord has showed upon us. But there are those who wish to steal these riches from us. Therefore the Lord has given the strength and armor that is needed to guard that which he has entrusted to us.

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The Lord Blesses through Earthly Authority

Monday September 24, 2018 Text: Ephesians 6:1-9 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / Passages: Ephesians 6:1-9; Lamentations 3:27-30

Authority is from God, rebellion is from Satan. By nature we do hate to hear that we ought to submit to authority. The Lord teaches it is good and right to learn humility and obedience. Not only is it right but it is through earthly authority that the Lord provides many earthly blessings. When we rebel we lose and destroy these earthly blessings the Lord wishes us to enjoy.

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The Mystery of Christ Revealed in Your Marriage

Monday September 17, 2018 Text: Ephesians 5:22-33 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Ephesians 5:22-33

Marriage is an earthly sacrament in which Christ gives earthly blessings. Marriage is also a parable to remind us daily of Christ and the Church. As Christ sacrificed himself in order to sanctify the church, so also each spouse ought to sacrifice in order to sanctify the other.

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The Mystery of Christ Revealed in Marriage

Monday September 10, 2018 Text: Ephesians 5:22-33 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Ephesians 5:22-33

Marriage is more than two people who love each other. Marriage is the union of two people bound together, not by frail human love, but by the power of Christ. Through marriage Christ gives to us the greatest of all earthly blessings. In marriage we see a picture of Christ and the church.

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The Promise is to Our Children

Tuesday September 4, 2018 Text: Deuteronomy 6:4-15 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: Deuteronomy 6:4-15

That which we love we share with our children. If we do love the Lord with all our heart and our thankful for all that He has done for us certainly we will want our children also to know His great love and blessings.

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Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Monday August 27, 2018 Text: Ephesians 5:6-21 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Ephesians 5:6-21

Many people in this world think that you can’t have fun unless you are filled with alcohol. Paul says rather be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then you will have true joy not that which is temporary and empty. Then you will live in light and not darkness. Then you will rejoice with songs of praise to God not the drunken ballads of a bar.

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