
When the Lord Writes the Test

Sunday February 18, 2024 Text: Mark 1:9-15 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 1:9-15

Back in the early 80s three students wrote the SAT board to point out that there was a mistake on the SAT. The board reviewed the test and realized they were right. They removed that question from the test and adjusted all the scores accordingly. For some people this was a good thing, their score

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The Battle is Not Yours But the Lord’s: A Battle of Betrayal

Wednesday February 14, 2024 Text: Matthew 26:21-24 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 26:21-24

Betrayal – it makes for a great movie. There is nothing more suspenseful than a good betrayal. Whenever you hear “this show/movie has it all,” it almost always includes the word betrayal. In real life betrayal destroys relationships and is a seed for serious sins in the lives of both the betrayed and the betrayer.

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The View is Always Worth It

Sunday February 11, 2024 Text: Mark 9:2-8 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 9:2-8

I’ve been up and down a lot of mountains in my life, the Appalachians, The Rockies, the Sierra Navada, Cascades, Himalayan, Nilgiris, and others. This last summer we were driving up and down the mountains in Olympic National Park.  It is a lot of work getting up to the top. Even if you are driving

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The King Comes Like Rain On Parched Grass

Sunday February 4, 2024 Text: Mark 1:29-39 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 1:29-39

In the gospel of John, Jesus opens his ministry with the miracle of water into wine at the wedding of Cana. The kids and I talked on Tuesday about how this miracle reminds us that Jesus came to bless. This first miracle of Jesus mirrors Genesis chapter two. Just as God freely gave Adam and

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He Speaks With Authority

Sunday January 28, 2024 Text: Mark 1:21-28 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 1:21-28

A made the star in the back of church for Advent. It is a simple woodworking project and even as simple as that is the angles are off. The one at the back of the church is much better. This chair, however, shows a far greater proficiency with woodworking. This was made by an India

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The Gospel Keeps Going

Sunday January 21, 2024 Text: Mark 1:14-20 Passages: Mark 1:14-20

God’s kingdom is like the energizer bunny, or an avalanche, or that boulder that chases Indianna Jones out of the temple, it just keeps going. God himself describes it that way in Daniel 2:34. He calls the kingdom of God a rock cut without hands. It rolls down and smashes the statue representing the kingdoms

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It’s All About The Water

Sunday January 14, 2024 Text: Mark 1:4-11 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 1:4-11

Jesus’ ministry begins and end with baptism and preaching. John came preaching and baptism. Jesus was baptized then began his ministry. When Jesus ascends into heaven, he told his disciples “Go teach, baptize.” In acts on the day of Pentecost, the apostles preached the word, and the people were baptized. In our sinfulness we often

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The Light is Worth The Trip

Sunday January 7, 2024 Text: Isaiah 60:1-6 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Isaiah 60:1-6

When my brother David was in college, we drove together to Austin, Texas without stopping. We drove all night and all day. When we arrived, we were there for maybe twenty minutes, turned around and drove all the way back. About twenty-four hours one way and the same back. Why would we do that?  All

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A New Year of Forgiveness

Sunday December 31, 2023 Text: Psalm 32:1-2 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Psalm 32:1-2

Happy is the man who has a warm coat and hot beverage. Considering the weather outside, such a phrase would not normally surprise you. However, if we were on a Caribbean beach, or if it were the middle of August, such a phrase probably would surprise you very much.  If I were to say such

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He Was Born To Live

Sunday December 31, 2023 Text: Luke 2:22-40 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 2:22-40

What is the easiest and quickest way to get your homework done? Answer: trick your parents or teachers into doing it for you. Here’s a tip for any students. Ask your parents for help when they are busy or tired and they are more likely to just give you the answer, rather than try to

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