Paul Shows Us How to Recognize Our Shepherd’s Voice
Monday May 27, 2019 Text: Acts 16:9-15 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: Acts 16:9-15
He knows this is God's way because God has blocked every other door. He knows it because he recognizes his Shepherd's voice. He knows it because he has leaned to leave behind the things of this world.
Read MoreDo Not Despise What Jesus Has Cleansed
Monday May 20, 2019 Text: Acts 11:1-18 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: Acts 11:1-18
Peter and the early Christians had to learn that there was no longer any distinction between the Israelites and the Gentiles. Now they are all one in Christ. We too need to learn not to look down on or judge that which God has cleansed. This includes both our fellow Christians and ourselves. The Father has promised that we are clean in the blood of Christ. Who are we to say or think otherwise?
Read MorePaul Teaches Us To Live Psalm 23
Monday May 13, 2019 Text: Acts 20:17-35 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: Acts 20:17-35; Psalm 23:1-6
This section of scripture is not a list of the great things that Paul did but of the great things our Good Shepherd did through him. Paul's words here show us one who lived every day and in every circumstance under the protection of the Good Shepherd. Paul is one who held Pslam 23 in his heart.
Read MoreLord What Must I Do
Monday May 6, 2019 Text: Acts 9:1-22 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: Acts 9:1-22
Anything we try to do ourselves is less the useless. It is sinful. Jesus must teach us repentance. Jesus must teach us to listen. Jesus must give us the strength to go and do. Then will our lives be worth something.
Read MorePray That We May Be Filled With the Holy Spirit
Monday April 29, 2019 Text: Acts 5:12-31 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: Acts 5:12-31
The result of Jesus resurrection is that the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit, and that whereas before they hid in fear now they went with boldness proclaiming the name of the Lord. Through them the Lord did many signs and miracles, but more than this the Word of the Lord was preached
Read MoreRemember His Resurrection
Monday April 22, 2019 Text: 2 timothy 2:8,11 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: 2 timothy 2:8,11
On that first Easter morning so long ago the impossible happened. As the women approached the tomb that first Easter morning, what did they expect? Nothing out of the ordinary. The expected a sealed tomb. They expected a dead body. They expected death. Despite all of Jesus’ promises. Despite all of Jesus’ miracles. Despite
Read MoreRemember His Victory
Monday April 22, 2019 Text: 1 corinthians 15:56-57 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: 1 corinthians 15:56-57
If we live under the law we will receive the wages of sin which is death, but if live in Christ we receive the gift of God which is everlasting life. But what does this mean to live under the law? One way in which people choose to live under the law is that
Read MoreJesus, Remember Me
Saturday April 20, 2019 Text: Luke 23:39-43 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Good Friday Passages: Luke 23:39-43
All through Lent we have been discussing what things are important for us to remember. But far more important than what we remember is that Jesus remembers us. That is our theme this Friday. Not that we remember anything, but that Jesus would remember us.
Read MoreIn Remembrance of Him
Friday April 19, 2019 Text: 1 corinthians 11:23-26 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Maundy Thursday Passages: 1 corinthians 11:23-26
Christ gave the Lord’s Supper as an inheritance to the church for all time, so that we would regularly take time out of life to remember Him, to come together as a family and to be united in His power and His love.
Read MoreFather Teach US to Glorify Your Name
Monday April 15, 2019 Text: John 12:28 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Palm Sunday Passages: John 12:28
God greatly desires that His name would be kept holy among us. It is His name which brings salvation. His name is glorified chiefly through humility and love. We pray that the Lord would teach us to proclaim His name in humility and love so that many might come to salvation.
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