The Hand of the Lord Who Heals the Sick
Wednesday March 26, 2025 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent
Read MoreRepent: Let Go And Cling To Jesus
Sunday March 23, 2025 Text: Luke 13:1-9 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 13:1-9
Read MoreAre the Priests Ready?
Tuesday March 18, 2025 Text: Micah 2:1-9 Speaker: Pastor Aaron Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Micah 2:1-9
If you are familiar with Old Testament history, you know that being a priest could be a fatal position. In 2 Samuel 6, we read how they were bringing the ark of the covenant up to Jerusalem when a man named Uzzah reached out to steady it so it wouldn’t fall. God struck him dead on the
Sunday March 16, 2025 Text: Luke 9:37-43; Luke 11:14-23 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 9:37-43; Luke 11:14-23
In his hymn A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Martin Luther reminds us that 3. Though devils all the world should fill, All eager to devour us. We often underestimate the power and strength of Satan. We don’t really take him seriously. In our text this morning Jesus compares Satan to a strong man guarding
Read MoreThe Hand of the Lord Who Creates and Saves
Wednesday March 12, 2025 Text: Matthew 14:22-33 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Matthew 14:22-33
There was an article online this week about a fight between a daughter and her stepmother. Apparently, the stepmother was trying to get rid of a bunch of stuff that belonged to the daughters’ deceased mother. Those things were valuable to the daughter, she reached out to save them when the stepmom wanted to destroy
Read MoreJesus Leads Us Through the Wilderness
Sunday March 9, 2025 Text: Luke 4:1-13 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 4:1-13
Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before Me Why does God say, “no other gods before me?” That could sound like its ok to have other gods as long as they are ranked less than Yahweh. And yes that is exactly what the Lord is teaching us in this commandment, as long as
Wednesday March 5, 2025 Text: Matthew 6:1-6,16-21 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Ash Wednesday Passages: Matthew 6:1-6,16-21
“Please, Sir, I want some more” In Charles Dickens famous novel Oliver Twist, Oliver approaches the master with an empty bowl and a request for more food. The master “gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralyzed with wonder; the
Read MoreJesus calls You Up The Mountain
Sunday March 2, 2025 Text: Luke 9:28-36 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Transfiguration Passages: Luke 9:28-36
Read MoreAn Impossible Love Made Real
Sunday February 23, 2025 Text: Luke 6:27-38 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Luke 6:27-38
When I was around 12 or 13 years old, we went for a few days to help weed at a flower farm. I remember spending what I thought was a good long time weeding. I stopped and looked at how much farther I had to go just to finish one row, and after that rows
Read MoreYou Are Blessed
Sunday February 16, 2025 Text: Luke 6:17-26 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Luke 6:17-26
The beatitudes when understood correctly are some of the greatest expressions of God’s gifts and blessings to sinful humans. When understood incorrectly they become weights chained to our souls dragging us down to depression. The key to understanding them correctly is to recognize them as God’s gifts in Christ not as something we earn or
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