Text John :

Grace Brings Sight

Sunday March 19, 2023 Text: John 9:1-41 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 9:1-41

Jesus opens the eyes of a man physically blind, but far more important is the spiritual sight He gives to us all. When we look at things from a legalistic view we think we can see but we are blind. When we view the world through the grace of God in Christ Jesus we truly see.

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Jesus, Peter and Me: Misunderstanding

Wednesday March 15, 2023 Text: John 18:1-11 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 18:1-11

Back in 1999 “NASA lost its $125-million Mars Climate Orbiter because spacecraft engineers failed to convert from English to metric measurements” From <https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1999-oct-01-mn-17288-story.html> Misunderstandings happen all the time. They don’t usually cost us $125 million dollars but they do often cause big problems. Taking the time to check if the measurements are metric or standard

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Jesus Doesn’t Rest

Sunday March 12, 2023 Text: John 4:5-26 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 4:5-26

Jesus came to give rest not to receive it. This rest is ours when we lay down our sins and receive Jesus.

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Jesus, Peter and Me: The Company You Keep

Wednesday March 8, 2023 Text: John 18:18 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 18:18

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Saved Through Christ

Sunday March 5, 2023 Text: John 3:1-17 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 3:1-17

In the very ancient church, the Sundays in lent were often a time to prepare initiates for baptism. Hence the lessons for these Sundays were often a review of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. Our text this morning certainly reflects this ancient custom. There is a lot that Jesus hints at in his

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NT2-01 Jesus Changes Water Into Wine

Monday January 23, 2023 Text: John 2:1-11 Passages: John 2:1-11

In His first miracle at Cana in Galilee, Jesus showed that He is God. Through God’s Word and physical means—water, bread, and wine—God shows us that Jesus is our Savior.

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This Is My Son: Jesus

Sunday December 25, 2022 Text: John 1:1-16 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 1:1-16

What’s wrong with the world these days? One could probably list a lot of things, but the problem we are going to talk about today is fatherlessness.  Unless one is a computer engineer or a physicist you have to be careful about statistics. Statistics, especially those from a survey, usually only confirm our preconceived notions.

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Sunday June 5, 2022 Text: John 14:23-31 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 14:23-31

God’s word is valuable in and of itself but it is all the more precious because it is a gift from Jesus who died for our sins.

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Thy Will Be Done

Sunday April 10, 2022 Text: John 12:20-43 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 12:20-43

The Father’s will is that Jesus die for our sins, that we join Jesus at the cross, and that through His death we are drawn up to heaven.

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7.09 The Pool of Bethesda

Friday April 1, 2022 Text: John 5:1-17 Passages: John 5:1-17

For thirty-eight years, a paralyzed man has lain by the pool of Bethesda, hoping to enter it and receive healing. Jesus asks if he desires healing and then tells the man to take up his bed and walk. When the Jews see the man carrying his bed on the Sabbath, they question who told him to do this, but the man doesn’t know who Jesus is. After encountering Jesus at the temple, the man reports back to the Jewish leaders, who persecute Jesus.

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