Text Matthew 27:11-66

Jesus’ Burial

Friday May 3, 2024 Text: Matthew 27:62-66 Passages: Matthew 27:62-66

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A Battle of Silence

Wednesday March 6, 2024 Text: Matthew 27:11-14 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 27:11-14

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Passion of Christ

Tuesday April 25, 2023 Text: Matthew 27:11-66 Passages: Matthew 27:11-66

Jesus, the lamb of God that carries the sin of the world, dies for sinners like me.

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What Then Shall I Do With Jesus?

Wednesday April 6, 2022 Text: Matthew 27:21-23 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 27:21-23

Pilate tries so hard to put Jesus aside, to make no decision about him. He tires to let him go.  He sends him to Herod. He gives them the choice of Barabbas or Jesus thinking they will surely pick Barabbas.  He scourges him. He washes his hands pretending it is not his guilt.  Yet no

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Hands of Vindication

Wednesday March 24, 2021 Text: Matthew 27:15-26 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 27:15-26

In an attempt to absolve himself of the guilt of what he knows full well to be the murder of an innocent man Pilate washes his hands before the crowd of people and claims, “I am innocent.” As far as grand symbolic gestures go this one is terrible. As if washing your hands with water

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Hands of Brutality

Wednesday March 17, 2021 Text: Matthew 27:27-31 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 27:27-31

Hands of brutality, we usually just call them bullies, there really is not any other word for them. Already condemned to death the roman soldiers nevertheless feel the need to bully, mock and even physically beat Jesus. They were bullies, professional bullies. That is what the Roman government was for that matter. The roman government

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Who Gains from the Cross? Barabas

Wednesday March 8, 2017 Text: Matthew 27:15-23 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / /

 What can we say? The murder, the rebellious, the sinner gets to go free. The righteous Son of God is condemned. Here we have the perfect parable, an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Does Barabbas really get off scot free just because Christ is condemned in his place? Yes absolutely. He is released without

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