Speaker Pastor Matthew Ude

What is a Sacrament?

Thursday April 13, 2017 Text: Matthew 26:17-30 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / /

  Technically a sacrament has five parts; Sacred Act Instituted by Christ Uses Earthly elements Connected with God’s word Gives Spiritual Blessings More informally we could say, any act the Lord commands and through which he promises blessings. Jesus has given to us two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. In an informal sense the

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Jesus Prepares All Things That We May Have Life

Sunday April 9, 2017 Text: John 11:17-27,38-53 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / / /

This text is all about preparation. First Jesus prepares the very ones who hated Him to carry out His will and deliver him up to death. At other times Jesus withdraws. He withdraws from Jerusalem, he withdraws from the crowds when they seek to stone him or confront him, but that is only because it

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Who Gains from the Cross? Barabas

Wednesday March 8, 2017 Text: Matthew 27:15-23 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / /

 What can we say? The murder, the rebellious, the sinner gets to go free. The righteous Son of God is condemned. Here we have the perfect parable, an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Does Barabbas really get off scot free just because Christ is condemned in his place? Yes absolutely. He is released without

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