
Jesus Reigns With Us

Sunday May 1, 2022 Text: Revelation 1:4-18 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Revelation 1:4-18

Why does the book of Revelations matter? The book of Revelation is one that can be confusing. For example, just in our reading today “the Alpha and the Omega” is that a reference to the Father or to the Son? Or this  reference to the seven spirits, what does that mean? Verse, one also tells

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It’s Not Over Yet

Sunday April 24, 2022 Text: Luke 24:13-32 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:13-32

Easter is not over yet. Jesus still lives. He still seeks the lost. He still walks with us. He still reveals Himself in word and sacrament.

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He IS Arisen

Sunday April 17, 2022 Text: Luke 24:1-12 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:1-12

He Has Already Arisen He Is Arisen Now He Is Still Arisen

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Do You Not Even Fear God?

Friday April 15, 2022 Text: Luke 23:39-41 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 23:39-41

Barasheth Bara Elohym – In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He created ALL the heavens, all the vastness of space. Light can travel 186,000 miles in a second. In a year light can travel 5.8 trillion miles. That is a number that is too big even to mean anything. If I

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Lord, Is It I?

Thursday April 14, 2022 Text: Matthew 26:20-22 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 26:20-22

Is it I who betrayed the Lord?

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Thy Will Be Done

Sunday April 10, 2022 Text: John 12:20-43 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 12:20-43

The Father’s will is that Jesus die for our sins, that we join Jesus at the cross, and that through His death we are drawn up to heaven.

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What Then Shall I Do With Jesus?

Wednesday April 6, 2022 Text: Matthew 27:21-23 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 27:21-23

Pilate tries so hard to put Jesus aside, to make no decision about him. He tires to let him go.  He sends him to Herod. He gives them the choice of Barabbas or Jesus thinking they will surely pick Barabbas.  He scourges him. He washes his hands pretending it is not his guilt.  Yet no

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Hallowed Be Thy Name

Sunday April 3, 2022 Text: Luke 20:9-20 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 20:9-20

This parable is an excellent reminder to us of how we often misuse God’s name and therefore what we are praying for when we pray, “Hallowed Be Thy Name.” It also portrays to what great extent the Lord goes to forgive us and make us His children.

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Are You A King

Wednesday March 30, 2022 Text: John 18:37 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 18:37

Sometimes your following instructions and things happen as they should. For example, the instructions say hold down the button 15 sec until the light blinks twice. It is a relief to see that light blink, you know that you are doing it correctly. Or the recipe says bake 15 minutes until golden brown, after 15

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Our Father, Who Art In Heaven

Sunday March 27, 2022 Text: Luke 15:11-32 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 15:11-32

The address of the Lord's prayer is a simple statement. On the surface all that we have done is to state to whom we are offering the prayer. Yet it is the most important part of the prayer, since it is God's greatest desire and joy that we return to Him, as this son did, and receive from Him without attempting to earn or deserve it that unconditional love by which He calls us sons of God and becomes again our true Father.

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