

Saturday June 17, 2023 Text: Genesis 1:6-8 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Genesis 1:6-8

Is earth the center of the universe. For most of earth’s history men simply assumed that yes it was. Men following in the steps of Galileo insisted that no it wasn’t. Most astrophysicists today would probably say that the question is moot since there is not objective reference point, however considering the vastness of space

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Bara: A Word of Faith

Sunday June 4, 2023 Text: Genesis 1:1-4 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Genesis 1:1-4

Barashim bara elohym: In the beginning God created. With these word God introduces Himself to us. When we meet someone new, often, the first two things we want to know are their name and occupation. With these words God gives us His name and what He does. This is who our God is. He is

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A Concrete Gift

Sunday May 28, 2023 Text: John 7:37-39 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 7:37-39

How would you feel if your birthday present from your spouse was a note that said, “More love.” Some people might not feel like it would not be a very good present, unless it was backed by something more concrete. “I’m going to do the dishes more. I’m going to take you dancing every Friday

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So, You Think Your Done

Sunday May 21, 2023 Text: 1 peter 5:6-11 Speaker: Festival: Passages: 1 peter 5:6-11

Four years ago, this fall, Elijah started confirmation class. After two years we made it through the catechism. At the end of that second year, Elijah asked me, “Does that mean we are done?” The answer of course was “No.” Two years later and the answer is still, no. Your done meeting with me but

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Thursday May 18, 2023 Text: Luke 24:44-53 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:44-53

Jesus’ ascension assures us that the same man who died for our sins now rules over all things for the good of His church. We can confidently leave all things in His hands knowing that He is in control.

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Sunday May 14, 2023 Text: 1 peter 3:13-22 Speaker: Festival: Passages: 1 peter 3:13-22

In our reading from Acts we heard Paul’s famous sermon at the Areopagus which is sometimes also called Mars Hill. This is a famous sermon. There was even a church named after this incident. This church and many others Paul’s sermon here is certainly powerful, but there is really no secret as to why it

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An Explosion of Grace

Sunday May 7, 2023 Text: John 14:1-14 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 14:1-14

What is worrying you? What is weighing on your heart this morning? I woke in the middle of the night the other day thinking about everything I must get done before the end of the year. In my case that means that it must be finished this week. Jesus came to give us peace. He

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The Way That Was Shut Is Open

Sunday April 30, 2023 Text: John 10:1-10 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 10:1-10

You know you are in a fairy tale when there are locked doors in the house, and you are told not to open them, or you will die. Audible had a sale on Audiobooks the other day and one of the books we got was “The Complete and Original Norwegian Folktales,” by Asbjørnsen and Moe.

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Sunday April 23, 2023 Text: Luke 24:13-35 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Luke 24:13-35

Because of our sinfulness our eyes are often closed to the truth that Jesus walks with us every day. Through the scriptures Jesus opens our eyes to see Him, to know Him and to walk with Him.

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