Passage :


Sunday December 17, 2023 Text: Isaiah 61:1-3 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Isaiah 61:1-3

Our kids usually learn at a young age how to identify Jesus in any given picture. Even if the physical depiction of Jesus is different from the classic European with a beard and long hair, still there are certain clues they pick up on. Jesus is the one holding the lamb. Jesus is the one

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Jesus Was Anointed to Proclaim Good Tidings

Monday December 18, 2017 Text: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11

Jesus is the anointed who was chosen to bring good news. Anointed as king to set free those in bondage Anointed as prophet to proclaim pardon Anointed as high priest to give righteousness

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