Sunday School Prep - NT4

NT4 13 – John’s Vision of Heaven

Jesus shows John what heaven will be like.

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NT4 11 – Jesus Appears by Sea of Galilee

Jesus appears to his disciples and calls them again to leave behind fishing and become fishers of men. He reaffirms his love to Peter as well assuring him of forgiveness.

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NT4 10 – Jesus Appears to Thomas

Thomas doubts, but Jesus in his mercy appears to strength Thomas faith. Having received the Holy Spirit Thomas and the remaining disciples preach God’s word to the ends of the earth.

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Emmaus Disciples

Jesus reveals himself through the scriptures.

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NT4 05 – Peter Denies Jesus

Peter is convinced that he will never deny Jesus. But in his pride falls victim to Satan’s temptations. Jesus encourages Peter and the other disciples to recognize their own weakness, and when they do fail to trust in his forgiveness.

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NT4 03 – Widow’s Mite

Men care about money and look at appearances. God judges the heart.

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