Passage :

The Birth and Call of Samuel

Wednesday September 11, 2024 Text: 1 samuel 1:1-27; 1 samuel 2:18-21; 1 samuel 3:1-19 Passages: 1 samuel 1:1-27; 1 samuel 2:18-21; 1 samuel 3:1-19

God’s people are under attack once again. This time the problem is not a foreign invader but the priests of God’s house. The Lord raises up Samuel as a prophet and judge. He role is not to fight against foreigners but to preach the word of God faithfully.

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The Lord Has Called You To Faithfulness

Sunday August 11, 2024 Text: 1 samuel 3:1-10 Speaker: Festival: Passages: 1 samuel 3:1-10

Our text tells us that the word of the Lord was rare. Why? Because Eli and his sons had failed in their duty to serve the Lord. Eli’s sons Hophni and Phineas failed through a blatantly sinful lifestyle which was an open despising of God’s word. Eli failed because he did not deal with this

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