Jesus Seeks Repentance
Sunday March 20, 2022 Text: Luke 13:1-9 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 13:1-9
Repentance is the fruit that Jesus is looking for. The Judeans try to make it about politics, religion and merit. All catastrophes remind us of our need to repent. Jesus waits for repentance and when He does not find it He cultivates the tree.
Read MoreThy Kingdom Come
Sunday March 13, 2022 Text: Luke 13:31-35 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 13:31-35
Jesus’ kingdom comes through the cross. We pray that Jesus would oppose all those who block His cross. We pray that Jesus would complete His work within us. We pray that Jesus would gather us to Himself.
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Sunday March 6, 2022 Text: Luke 4:1-13 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Lent Passages: Luke 4:1-13
Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness teaches us what it truly means to pray the sixth petition. God chose to test Jesus in our place. Jesus resisted all temptation without any sin. Therefore when we are tempted it is merely a practice test. Salvation is already ours through Jesus Christ.
Read MoreExpect Miracles
Sunday February 27, 2022 Text: Luke 9:28-36 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Transfiguration Passages: Luke 9:28-36
Have you ever climbed a mountain to find a miracle? We climb mountains for lots of reasons. We might climb a mountain for the view. These days we might climb a mountain so that we can sled down it. One famous mountain climb reportedly said that he climbed it because it was there. In India
Read MoreGod Judges You Righteous
Sunday February 20, 2022 Text: Luke 6:27-38 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Luke 6:27-38
God Judges God Judges You God Judges You Righteous
Read More7.04 Jesus In the Temple
Tuesday February 15, 2022 Text: Luke 2:41-52 Passages: Luke 2:41-52
As faithful Jews, Jesus’ parents travel to Jerusalem each year for the Passover. Returning home one year, Mary and Joseph notice Jesus’ absence, yet assume He is among the others in their traveling group. When He doesn’t appear, they return to Jerusalem, searching desperately for three days. They finally find Jesus in the temple, talking with the teachers, who are amazed at His understanding. Despite being in His “Father’s house” (Luke 2:49), Jesus honors His earthly parents and returns to Nazareth with them.
Sunday February 13, 2022 Text: Luke 6:17-26 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Epiphany Passages: Luke 6:17-26
These beatitudes are gifts that Jesus brings to us. We are poor, hungry, sorrowful and persecuted. Jesus comes to bring us riches, fullness, and joy. These gifts are ours through Jesus. They are ours fully. They are spiritual.
Read More7.03b Jesus’ Presentation
Thursday February 10, 2022 Text: Luke 2:22-40 Passages: Luke 2:22-40
Jesus' family travels to Jerusalem’s temple for Mary’s purification and Jesus’ presentation. There, they encounter Simeon, a devout Jew whose song of praise lives on in the Church today. Likewise, Anna, the aging prophetess, rejoices at the coming of the Savior.
Read More7.02b John Is Born
Monday January 31, 2022 Text: Luke 1:57-80 Passages: Luke 1:57-80
Upon writing, “His name is John,” Zechariah regains his voice and prophesies concerning his son’s work.
Read More7.02a Gabriel Visits Zechariah
Monday January 31, 2022 Text: Luke 1:5-25 Passages: Luke 1:5-25
Doubting the angel’s announcement of his coming son, Zechariah finds himself silenced until the boy’s birth.
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