Speaker Pastor Matthew Ude

Chosen To Bear Fruit

Sunday May 9, 2021 Text: John 15:16 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 15:16

Jesus chose us and gives us everything we need so that we might bear fruit.

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Jesus Makes Mountains Disappear

Sunday May 2, 2021 Text: Mark 9:14-29 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 9:14-29

This entire miracle is one that speaks to us about faith. In life we meet obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are small, sometimes they are large, and sometimes they seem large at the time but later we find that they weren’t really that big of deal. These obstacles might sometimes tempt us to just give up.

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The Pronouns of the Good Shepherd

Sunday April 25, 2021 Text: John 10:11-18 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 10:11-18

I am the good shepherd, the one who alone is able to watch and guard and keep. He is the good shepherd because he has done it all for us. “You are with me,” even when we pass through fire and trials.

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Thomas: The One Who Asked And Received

Sunday April 18, 2021 Text: John 20:19-31 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 20:19-31

Jesus responds by grace to sinful prayers and by that grace creates lives of joy.

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While It Was Still Dark

Sunday April 4, 2021 Text: John 20:1-18 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 20:1-18

In the first verse of the twentieth chapter of the gospel of John, John tells us that Mary went to the tomb, “while it was still dark.” This reference is one that those who would like to discredit God’s word refer to often.  They claim that it is at odds with the other gospel accounts

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Return To The Cross

Friday April 2, 2021 Text: Hebrews 4:14-16 Speaker: Festival: / Passages: Hebrews 4:14-16

What does this mean? “He passed through the heavens?” Perhaps the writer is referring to the fact that Jesus ascended, and thus passed through the heavens. If so, it would be a reference to his glory. Some Christian cults would have you believe that Jesus moved from one part heaven to another, signifying a new

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The Feast of the Lamb: Three In One

Thursday April 1, 2021 Text: Luke 22:14-20 Speaker: Festival: / Passages: Luke 22:14-20

Some of you looking at the theme of our sermon might think that I have the wrong the celebration. The festival of the trinity is May 30. However, my reference to three in one is not a reference to the trinity but to the Lord Supper.  True it is a very different type of three

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Hands of Praise

Sunday March 28, 2021 Text: Mark 11:1-11 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Mark 11:1-11

Palm Sunday is largely a day of praise. The King, the messiah, so long waited for has finally come, and now he about to enter the Jerusalem the city of the Kings of Israel. In some way we can probably learn something about how to be excited and joyful and how to praise Jesus from

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Hands of Vindication

Wednesday March 24, 2021 Text: Matthew 27:15-26 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 27:15-26

In an attempt to absolve himself of the guilt of what he knows full well to be the murder of an innocent man Pilate washes his hands before the crowd of people and claims, “I am innocent.” As far as grand symbolic gestures go this one is terrible. As if washing your hands with water

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Return To The Kingdom

Sunday March 21, 2021 Text: John 18:28-38 Speaker: Festival: Passages: John 18:28-38

“Missed it by that much,” that is what Don Adams as Maxwell Smart from “Get Smart” used to always say. Barely missing something can be a terrifying thing or a frustrating thing. People in severe accidents who come out unscathed sometimes have trouble moving on with their lives as they keep reliving the scene. They

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