Jesus Does the Impossible
Sunday July 11, 2021 Text: Psalm 98:1 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Passages: Psalm 98:1
We are impressed when people do the impossible not the mundane. It is not that impressive when an adult rides a bike. It is impressive if he were to ride it along a tight rope stretched between the top of two skyscrapers. That would be something to see. The things that God has done for
Read MoreJesus Causes Us To Stand
Tuesday July 6, 2021 Text: Ezekiel 2:1-5 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Passages: Ezekiel 2:1-5
It is enough that we can stand before God in His forgiveness. It is enough that our nation stands by His grace. It is enough that we know that His word is preached.
Read MoreLaughing With God
Thursday July 1, 2021 Text: Genesis 18:1-15 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Passages: Genesis 18:1-15
Sarah Laughed At God We are privileged to live in a nation in which we have the right of free speech. We can ridicule and make fun of our leaders. There are not many times in history when this was true. We are privileged to laugh at those in power without getting our heads chopped
Read MoreLight Of Mercy In Stormy Seas
Monday June 21, 2021 Text: Mark 4:35-41 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Passages: Mark 4:35-41
Our hearts are often filled with storms. At such times it seems as if Jesus doesn’t care. Yet He gives peace to our hearts.
Read MoreWalking By Faith Leads To God’s Promises
Sunday June 13, 2021 Text: 2 corinthians 5:7 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Passages: 2 corinthians 5:7
Those who walk by sight receive only the result of their own plans. Those who walk by faith receive the promises of God.
Read MoreSeeking The Kingdom
Sunday June 6, 2021 Text: Matthew 6:33 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Passages: Matthew 6:33
A Hard Thing – A Glorious Thing – A Promised Thing
Read MoreGod Loves Us Without Caution
Sunday May 30, 2021 Text: John 3:1-17 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Trinity Passages: John 3:1-17
Most of us are probably familiar with the fact that there are two types of people when it comes to swimming. There are those who tip toe in and those who run and dive in. I prefer to dive in often without looking. This who I ended up with a face full of sand about
Read MoreChrist Has Given You A Foundation For Life
Sunday May 23, 2021 Text: 1 corinthians 3:9-16 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Pentecost Passages: 1 corinthians 3:9-16
Christ has given you a foundation for your life. It is the only foundation upon which you can build a life here and hereafter. Having begun this work in you Christ will also finish it.
Read MoreThe Victory AND the Ever After In Christ
Sunday May 16, 2021 Text: John 17:11-19 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Easter Passages: John 17:11-19
Christ is victorious but we still have to live in this world. Yet we have this promise from Christ that the Father will keep us.
Read MoreTuned To Christ
Thursday May 13, 2021 Text: Luke 24:44-53 Speaker: Pastor Matthew Ude Festival: Ascension Passages: Luke 24:44-53
Christ reigns above all things. We must learn to sing his song not try to teach him ours. His song is the joy of for-giveness.
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