
Jesus Was Anointed to Proclaim Good Tidings

Monday December 18, 2017 Text: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11

Jesus is the anointed who was chosen to bring good news. Anointed as king to set free those in bondage Anointed as prophet to proclaim pardon Anointed as high priest to give righteousness

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The King Comes With Comfort

Monday December 11, 2017 Text: Isaiah 40:1-11 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Isaiah 40:1-11

Verses 1,2 The Lord is coming to visit us with great gifts. Verses 3-5 We would surely be embarrassed for a King to see our house as it is, so naturally we must prepare for His coming. This preparation means getting rid of anything that might block His way. Verses 9-11 But we don’t want to prepare only our own house, but let everyone know.

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In Righteousness Jesus Comes Daily Among Sinners

Monday December 4, 2017 Text: Isaiah 64:1-9 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / Passages: Isaiah 64:1-9

Verses one to five recount the many ways in which God has shown Himself to be faithful and righteous. As Isaiah talks about the goodness of God the sinfulness of man becomes more and more apparent. Isaiah confesses this sin starting at the end of verse five. In verses eight and nine he then pleads for mercy and forgiveness from the Lord.

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Jesus Comes As Our Redeemer

Tuesday November 28, 2017 Text: Matthew 25:31-46 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / Passages: Matthew 25:31-46

The day of judgement will come. It will come sooner than we think. But we rejoice and do not fear because the result is already know. Jesus died for our sins. We will go to heaven.

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Thanksgiving Service

Friday November 24, 2017 Text: Psalm 136:1-26 Speaker: Festival: Tags: Passages: Psalm 136:1-26

Psalm 136 reminds us of all the things we have to give thanks for

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Jesus Gives Us A Heart of Faith Not Fear

Monday November 20, 2017 Text: Matthew 25:14-30 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Matthew 25:14-30

A Heart Of Faith, Not Fear A Salvation Of Faith, Not Works The lazy servant gives a convincing speech, but the Lord knows the truth that his heart is a heart of fear instead of faith. He knew that his master doesn’t make mistakes; therefore he should have known that he was capable of making use of his talent. He condemned not because of his works but because of his lack of faith.

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Jesus Prepares Us for His coming through the Means of Grace

Monday November 13, 2017 Text: Matthew 25:1-12 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / / Passages: Matthew 25:1-12

The parable of the ten virgins is a warning that we need to be prepared for His coming. Unfortunately we all to often are the foolish one who are not prepared. In His grace Jesus prepares us through His word and sacraments.

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By His Love We are His Children

Monday November 6, 2017 Text: 1 john 3:1-3 Speaker: Festival: / Tags: / / / / Passages: 1 john 3:1-3

The heros of faith, which we call saints, do not disappoint us because we already know that they are sinners like us. Despite their sin the Lord chose them to be His children, as He chose us in our sin. Because we are His children, we will never “fit in” in this world. As His children we want to be just like our Father, righteous and holy.

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Sing, A New Song – 500th Reformation Anniversary

Sunday October 29, 2017 Text: Acts 7:51-60; Joshua 2:1-21; Matthew 14:22-32 Speaker: / / Festival: Tags: / / / / / / Passages: Acts 7:51-60; Joshua 2:1-21; Matthew 14:22-32

We are all born sinners, condemned under the law because of our sin. But Jesus died for our sins, forgives us and makes us the sons of God. This is the new song the Luther learned to sing. This is the new song that we learn to sing. That we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

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The Word of Truth is the Heritage of the Sons of God

Sunday October 29, 2017 Text: John 8:31-36 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: John 8:31-36

The Jews thought that they had received the inheritance of Abraham. But they didn't understand the true heritage was the promises of God. We also received this heritage, from Abraham, from the apostles, from Luther. Not through our genetic ancestry, but through our baptism which makes us the children of God.

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