
If God Cleanses Our Hearts We Shall Be Clean

Monday December 2, 2019 Text: Luke 1:1-17 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: Luke 1:1-17

Zacharias and Elizabeth are called righteous only by God’s grace. God is hidden from us because of our sin but revealed by His grace. God sends His word to make ready a people prepared for Christ.

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The Dead In Christ Will Rise

Tuesday November 26, 2019 Text: 1 thessalonians 4:13-18 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / Passages: 1 thessalonians 4:13-18

1. So Do Not Sorrow Without Hope 2. So Watch for His Return 3. So Comfort One Another

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A Father Is Gentle

Tuesday November 19, 2019 Text: 2 corinthians 4:6-10 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: 2 corinthians 4:6-10

The glory of a warrior is his strength. The glory of a father is his gentleness. The glory of our Heavenly Father is seen in how he holds us fragile vessels in His strength. His strength is gentle enough to mold us without breaking us.

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What Is A Father? A Father Is Patient

Monday November 11, 2019 Text: Luke 18:1-8 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / Passages: Luke 18:1-8

Our Father is patient. He is patient with us and therefore we can be confident when we come before Him in prayer. He is patient with others and therefore does not destroy them. His longsuffering patience should not discourage our prayers but strengthen them.

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What Is the Purpose All Saints Day?

Monday November 4, 2019 Text: 1 john 3:1-3 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / Passages: 1 john 3:1-3

To Praise Christ for what He has done To be encouraged in our struggle by those who have gone before To look forward to the day when we will join them

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Monday October 28, 2019 Text: Matthew 16:13-26 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / / / / Passages: Matthew 16:13-26

The Rock of Revelation The Rock of Redemption The Rock of Confession

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A Father Is Giving

Tuesday October 22, 2019 Text: James 1:13-20 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / Passages: James 1:13-20

God is our good and gracious Father who desires to give us every good thing. Yet because of our sinfulness we do not understand or appreciate His goodness. Nevertheless even in our weakness of faith our Father still showers us with blessing, and by our baptism names us His children so that we might learn that He is our good and gracious giving Father.

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Put The Saints In Circulation

Tuesday October 15, 2019 Text: Acts 8:1,26 Speaker: Festival: Tags: / / Passages: Acts 8:1,26

During the darkest hours of WWII, Britain faced a critical shortage of silver for the war industries. Churchill asked if there were any possible sources of silver, however remote. "Yes," the answer came, "the churches and cathedrals have silver statues of the saints." "Well," Churchill replied, "Put the saints in circulation."

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Speak Of What God Has Done For You

Monday October 7, 2019 Text: Mark 5:1-20 Speaker: Festival: / Tags: / / Passages: Mark 5:1-20

1. Physically and Spiritually 2. Where you are 3. Always

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