Text: 2 corinthians 12:9-10 Speaker: Festival: Passages: 2 corinthians 12:9-10

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2 corinthians 12:9-10

By God’s grace Peter walked on the water and neither storm nor waves could touch him. By his own strength Peter sank and both wave and wind overwhelmed him.  The grace of God is strong enough to bring us through this life our strength is not.

Philippians 4:13 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Here we have a promise from God. God’s promise is sufficient for you. I can do all things through Christ. Consider the depth of strength given to us in this promise. Yet how do people use this promise? We use it to win a basketball game, or to study for a test, or to a climb mount. We have a tendency to think so small.

If someone gives you a hundred dollar bill you wouldn’t use it all to buy a candy bar. If you inherit a billion dollars you don’t think about buying a new pillow. With a billion dollars you think of houses and vacations and airplanes.

When God promises strength to do all things why do we think of games and jobs?  Think bigger.

God grace is sufficient to live to Christ. God’s grace is sufficient to give my life to Christ.

I can preach the gospel to those who have not heard. I can learn to trust God for all that I need. I can confront sinners with the law, comfort the repent with the gospel, stand before emperors, face fire or lions.

God grace is sufficient strength to offer my life as a sacrifice to God.

I can walk through storms untouched, accept suffering without fear, and stand firm in the dens of lions, because God’s grace is sufficient strength for this life.

What does  our text say? “My grace is sufficient for you.”

With these words we learn that Jesus does not promise calm weather but rather the strength to walk through the hurricane.

There are few false teachings as detestable as the lie that if I have enough faith, I can stop the storm. The idea that if I have enough faith God will reward me with riches. The idea that if I have enough faith, I will not get sick. Such teachings are a perversion of God’s promises and rely on my strength, the strength of my faith.

God does not promise that there will not be storms and sickness. He does promise that His grace is sufficient strength to walk through them.

For many years Luther strove with all his strength to serve God, yet his strength was never even close to enough. Every night he went to bed dejected and depressed because he could not even crawl by his own strength.

Then he learned the grace of God, the free gift of righteousness through faith given by Christ and with that strength he stood against emperor and pope and even Satan. God’s grace did not bring Europe to it’s knees before Luther. It did not stop the oppression. It did give Luther the strength to stand. It gave Luther the strength he needed for his life.

What does our text say? “My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

With these words we accept suffering, knowing that God’s grace is sufficient for us

Isaiah 43:1-3 But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel:

This promise was given to the Israelites. It is like a Christmas present sitting under the tree with another’s name on it. We may look on it with envy but it is not our name.

Galatians 3:29 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

The name on the tag is gone. The gift is free for the taking. Write your own name there, take it as your own. The promise is yours. What’s inside?

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.  2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you.  3 For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior;

God does not promise that the water will be shallow. He does not promise that the fire will not burn. He does promise it will not overwhelm us.

Why is it that water cannot drown us? Why is it that fire can not consume you?

Because the blood of Christ as given as a ransom for you soul. Because the free grace of God is poured out upon you. Because you belong to Christ.

His grace is sufficient to walk through water and fire. His grace is sufficient for anything that comes in this life.

Forget about the pride of this life and the empty goals of this world, the strength of his grace was meant for greater things than this. Go walk through the water and the fire, give you life as an offering to God.

What does our text say? “I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

With these words we learn that when we give our life as an offering to Christ, our failings, our weaknesses will be on full display to ourselves and to others. But that doesn’t matter because it is not our strength which going to accomplish God’s will, but the grace of God through Jesus Christ. Indeed, the more obvious our failings the easier it is to see past ourselves to the power of his Grace.

Sampson although full of physical strength was a very weak man. His life was filled with failings and sin. He made the wrong choice almost every time. God’s grace was sufficient for his life as well. Sufficient to call him back. Sufficient to accomplish His will despite Sampson’s sin. Sufficient to destroy God’s enemies in the end.

God’s grace is sufficient, in storm, in fire, in weakness. God’s grace is sufficient for you and for me. God’s grace will see you through. Amen