Sunday School Preparation

OT1 – 12 Jacob’s Family

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OT1 – 11 Jacob’s Dream

The story of Jacob is the story of a man who does not really listen to God's promises, but thinks that he can get what he wants through cunning and deceit. It will take many years before Jacob learns to trust God's promises, in the meantime his own sin causes lots of problems in his life. Nevertheless God continues to bless Jacob. God's blessings do not come because of our obedience or faith but because of his promises.

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OT1 – 10 Jacob and Esau

God’s grace working through a dysfunctional family

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OT1 – 09 Isaac and Rebekah

Isaac and Rebekah both put their trust in the Lord and the Lord blesses their marriage.

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OT1 – 08 Abraham Sacrifices Isaac

Isaac the only son of Abraham is sacrificed as a picture of Jesus the only son of the Father who was sacrificed for us. In the mount of the Lord it shall be provided and in that mountain it was provided. The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world was provided.

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OT1-07 Isaac Is Born

God often gives promises that are hard for us to believe, yet the Lord does what he promises. Sarah laughs in derision at God’s promise but learns to laugh in joy at His fulfillment.

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OT1 – 06 Abram

God forges the faith of Abram to make him the father of all who believes. God gives to Abram and his descendants the promise of the Savior. They are it’s keepers but the promise is for the world.

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OT1 – 05 Noah and the Flood

Because of his wickedness God destroys man, but He remembers His promise to Adam and Eve. He saves Noah and through him sends a Savior.

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OT1-04 Cain and Abel

God is patient and merciful even with a sinner like Cain. He is patient and merciful with me as well.

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OT1 – 02 Creation of Man

God shows his goodness in filling the world with all good things for man.

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