Sunday School Preparation

Jesus Rejected at Nazareth

Jesus comes to proclaim that we are released from sin. With Jesus the proclamation of the gospel always comes first. Those who will not accept Him as a savior from sin have no part in Him. Jesus told Peter unless He washes his feet, peter has no part with Him. We often like to hear

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NT2-01 Jesus Changes Water Into Wine

In His first miracle at Cana in Galilee, Jesus showed that He is God. Through God’s Word and physical means—water, bread, and wine—God shows us that Jesus is our Savior.

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OT2-13 The Bronze Serpent

God’s wrath came upon the people of Israel because of their sin, but His mercy came through a bronze serpent on a cross. So also God’s wrath comes upon this world because of our sins, but His mercy and forgiveness comes through Jesus who hung on a cross for our sins

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OT2-12 Worship in the Tabernacle

In the tabernacle God dwelt with His people. In Jesus God dwells with us. Many of the aspects of both the tabernacle and our churches are a reminder of our sin, God’s holiness, and the rest that God gives us in Jesus

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OT2-11 The Ten Commandments

The Law kills, but the Gospel revives. “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17). Law/Gospel The Ten Commandments define God’s Law. Jesus, through His incarnation and by His suffering and death for my sins, defines God’s love and mercy toward me.

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OT2-09 Crossing The Red Sea

As God saved the Hebrews through the water of the Red Sea. He saves us through the washing of water in Holy Baptism, conquering Satan, our greatest enemy.

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OT2-08 The Passover

The Passover was a look back on the great salvation which God accomplished for Israel to bring them up out of the land of Egypt. It was also a looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. Christ is our Passover Lamb, whose blood was shed for our forgiveness, life, and salvation.

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OT2-07 The Ten Plagues

Through a series of horrific plagues, God pun ished the Egyptians for their sinful treatment of God's people and freed His people from bondage. Through His horrific suffering and death on the cross, Jesus takes the punishment for our sin and frees us from sin's bondage.

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OT2-06 Moses and the Burning Bush

As God had Moses remove the sandals from his feet, God, in Christ, removes our sins from us, making us fit to approach God and stand in His presence.

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OT2-05 The Birth of Moses

Through Moses, the Lord saved His people from slavery in Egypt. Through Christ, God saves all people from the bondage of sin and death.

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