Sunday School Preparation

Jesus’ Ascension

Jesus ascends to heaven. Not leaving us but to be with us fully.

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The Empty Tomb

Jesus is risen and has fixed the problem of death and has restored our relationship with our Father in heaven.

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Passion of Christ

Jesus, the lamb of God that carries the sin of the world, dies for sinners like me.

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Lord’s Supper

Before his death Jesus gives us the Lord’s Supper. It is a fulfillment of the passover. It is a reminder of his death. It is a looking forward to the feast of the Lamb. It is a recieving and a participation with his death.

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Workers In The Vineyard

This is a parable which teaches us to be on guard against work righteousness, and cling only to God’s grace and promises through Christ Jesus. He has promised us an inheritance in heaven, that is more than enough for us. We laborer because we want others to share in that inheritance, not because we want

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The Prodigal Son

We see in this parable a warning against two attitudes both of which are sinful. On the one hand the sinful, wanton wastefulness of the younger son which indulges in sin is contrary to God’s word. On the other hand the puritanical attitude of the elder which despises all fun and even despises other sinners.

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A Canaanite Woman’s Faith

There are only two times when Jesus praises someone’s faith, both are gentiles. Those of us who have had the gospel since birth often take it for granted and fail to treasure it as we should. This woman who was born outside of God’s people truly treasured the gift she received in Jesus Christ.

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Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter

Jesus has power even over death.

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Jesus Calms The Storm

Jesus has power even over the storms. Our life is filled with storms but we can rest in Jesus.

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Miraculous Catch of Fish

The world is place of darkness which desperately needs the gospel. We are unworthy and insufficient to fulfill that need of preaching the gospel. Yet, Jesus calls us anyway. Through His promises and His power we are to do this great task. The fish are not caught by our wisdom or cunning but through Jesus’

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