Sunday School Preparation

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

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Mary and Martha

There is nothing more important than going to Jesus to receive from him the blessing and gifts that he offers. What a privilege to set down our daily tasks and sit with Mary at Jesus feet.

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The Ten Lepers

Jesus is going to Jerusalem to die. As he cleansed the lepers of their unclean status so he cleanses us from our sin through his death.

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The Unforgiving Servant

Nothing anyone has ever done to us is as bad as the sins we commit against God. Yet God has forgiven us all. We also ought to forgive one another.

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The Good Samaritan

Jesus teaches us to think what more can I do rather than do I have to.

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The Transfiguration

Christ is true God and the only way to the Father

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Jesus Feeds the 5000

Jesus gives the people bread just as Moses did. The purpose was so that they would recognize Him as the one foretold and would look to Him to be saved.

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Jesus Heals the Centurion’s Servant

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Jesus Is Born

God fulfills His promise as Jesus is born in Bethlehem.

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The story of Ruth is the account of a woman of great faith. Her faith is like the faith of Abraham and Rebekah. They both left their land and their family in order to receive instead the covenant of Yahweh. So also by faith Ruth leaves family and home and follows Naomi for the sake

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