Season Ash Wednesday


Wednesday March 5, 2025 Text: Matthew 6:1-6,16-21 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 6:1-6,16-21

“Please, Sir, I want some more” In Charles Dickens famous novel Oliver Twist, Oliver approaches the master with an empty bowl and a request for more food. The master “gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralyzed with wonder; the

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The Battle is Not Yours But the Lord’s: A Battle of Betrayal

Wednesday February 14, 2024 Text: Matthew 26:21-24 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 26:21-24

Betrayal – it makes for a great movie. There is nothing more suspenseful than a good betrayal. Whenever you hear “this show/movie has it all,” it almost always includes the word betrayal. In real life betrayal destroys relationships and is a seed for serious sins in the lives of both the betrayed and the betrayer.

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Jesus, Peter and Me: Pride

Wednesday February 22, 2023 Text: Matthew 26:30-35 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 26:30-35

This is my daughter’s book, “Guess How Much I Love You.” The daddy bunny compares his love to many different things. I love you more than how high I can hop. I love you more than that tree. I love you more than the height of the moon. It’s a cute reminder to kids of

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Could you not watch with me one hour?

Wednesday March 2, 2022 Text: Matthew 26:37-46 Speaker: Festival: Passages: Matthew 26:37-46

“Can you not watch and pray with me for one hour?” I think most of us would have to answer, “No. I can’t watch and pray for one hour.” We have trouble watching and praying for five minutes, much less an hour. When we were in Sem I remember hearing Martin Luther’s advice for preaching.

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This Man Went Home Justified

Wednesday February 26, 2020 Text: Luke 18:9-14 Speaker: Festival: / Tags: Passages: Luke 18:9-14

The irony is that Jesus did not come to save those who deserve it but those who do not.

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