About Us
Faith Lutheran School offers a Christ-centered grade school education for students in kindergarten through grade eight. The majority of our students come from families who are already members of Faith Lutheran Church. However, we do welcome inquiries about enrollment from the entire community. If you would like to set up a personal meeting to find out more about our school, please contact Pastor Matthew Ude at (920) 398-0260. You may also e-mail Principal Ann Sprengeler by clicking HERE.
The purpose of Faith Lutheran School is to train children to be successful disciples and soldiers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In our program of study we feature the gospel of God’s Son, Jesus, who died on the cross to take away sins. This “good news” is a unique power at the disposal of these young disciples to conquer personal sin in their lives. The Holy Bible is the primary source and resource of our instruction and the backdrop against which all of their secular studies are presented and learned.
To this end Faith Lutheran School assists parents with the Christian education of their children. This task involves the application of God’s inspired and inerrant Word throughout the school day. Children need to be trained in the way they should go, namely, in the Lord’s way. Therefore children need the correction, guidance, discipline, and security which only God’s Word can give.
At Faith it is our goal that children entrusted into our care will grow in the knowledge and love of our Savior from sin, and become useful citizens. In order to serve the Lord with their abilities and talents, the students at Faith are taught they have good reason to learn of God’s orderly creation (mathematical, biological, and physical sciences) and of God’s continual working in the affairs of the world around us (social sciences). What better reason for learning to communicate well (language arts) than to share God’s Word of peace and promise with others?
Our chief goal in education is, with the help of God, to strengthen the child in his faith, to increase his knowledge of God’s Word offered in the inspired Scriptures and to enable him to strive out of gratitude to live his life according to God’s will. For this reason, the teaching of the Word of God is all important, for it makes us wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:15)
Our Christian teachers will diligently try to help the pupil realize that the exercise of his religion consists not in a mere recitation of doctrinal statements or of the accumulation of Biblical facts, but, more importantly, in the conscious striving towards a thankful imitation of his Savior in real-life situations. “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22). For this reason the entire curriculum is always related to Christ and the Scriptures. Christ’s ambition was to do the will of His Father. This is the goal of the Christian school — to produce a child who wants to please his heavenly Father at all times by drawing on the strength that is his through Christ. Religion is not simply one of many subjects, but basic to our philosophy of education. “The fear (awe) of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (wisdom)” (Proverbs 1:7).
Faith Lutheran congregation is the sponsor of Faith Lutheran School and is responsible for the welfare of the faculty and students and for assuring that the school itself is well-maintained and creates an atmosphere in which Christian learning can take place.
Faith congregation administers the school through a Board of Education, a group of nine men whose task is to develop the policies under which the school is run The welfare of the teachers and students is part of their concern. They are to provide a decent, safe, and sanitary environment in our school and on the playground.
Faith Lutheran congregation has called three teachers to teach grades K-8. Others have volunteered their services in various capacities. The teachers are all responsible to the Board of Education and the members of Faith Lutheran congregation. The school is directly administered by the principal, working in a team ministry with the school faculty, pastor, and church staff.